Tickets Recipients

In this window we can pair an unknown email addresses to the existing customers/leads in Splynx. As a result, this will help to assign all received tickets from unrecognized email addresses to specific customers/leads and they will receive correct tickets' notifications to such new email addresses. Also, it is possible to unpair email address with customer/lead, edit sender name, disable pairing, ban the sender's email address and check if the email is in the deny list.

image NOTE:

To make pairing feature work correctly, it is required to set up SMTP, Inboxes and enable Ticket notifications.

The following actions can be applied in the Recipients table:

  • Ban requester ban - sender email address will be banned to send message to Incoming mailbox, the next new ticket from this email address won't be created in Splynx;

  • Unban unban - sender email address will be unbanned and the next new ticket will be created in Splynx;

  • Pairing pairing - to map an unknown email address to existing customer/lead in Splynx, ticket that was created will be assign to paired customer/lead;

    • Assign all tickets - toggle allows to assign, all unassigned tickets created from an unknown email to the existing customer/lead;

tip Tip:

If unrecognized email address is paired to some customer/lead e.g. by mistake in Recipients table, we can reassign the current ticket and the future ones to other customer/lead directly from ticket, after adding new customer/lead and pressing Update, the new Change pair for recipient window will appear, press Yes to proceed. If the Shared email option is enabled, the mass reassignment function will not work (only the current ticket will be assigned to specific customer/lead).

  • Edit sender edit_sender - to edit sender's name in Tickets;

  • Shared email - toggle allows to mark an unknown email address as shared one, in this case pairing will be disabled for such email. For example, the support team receives a lot of messages from one request form (the same email address) and we need to block Pair Customer/Lead to requester option in ticket Actions list, but at the same time tickets should continue to be received. However, each ticket can be assign to specific customer separately;

  • the status yes in the column in deny list - means that the email address was added to Deny list in Config → Helpdesk → Inboxes see article. Ticket from these email will not be created in Splynx.

Example #1: Notifications to customer's emails:

Let's say that we have set up SMTP, Incoming mailbox ( and enabled Ticket notifications. In SMTP config, we use address in both Sender's email and Admin email fields. Customer sent a message to from his new mail address, as a result, the new ticket will be created in Splynx. After that we paired new mail address with our customer in Tickets → Recipients. To will be sent a notification New ticket created, when administrator directly replies on this notification message, the new notifications New ticket created (Request received)and New message in ticket will be sent to customer's paired mail address. But to customer's mailbox (Email field in customer profile) will be sent only New message in ticket. To customer's Billing emailno notifications will be sent at all.

Example #2: The relationship of the customer's message to the ticket:

We paired two mail addresses to one customer in Tickets → Recipients: and The customer wrote a message from to our Incoming mailbox (, after that the new ticket was created in Splynx. If customer replies (the subject of the message shouldn't be changed, otherwise will be created a new ticket) from to ticket notification (e.g. New message in ticket), the message will be added to the existing ticket's thread (created from in Splynx.

Example #3: View ticket by administrator with a specific partner

Some new customer/lead writes a message to Incoming mailbox, as a result a new ticket will be created in Splynx and their mail address will be added to the list Tickets → Recipients. If we have an administrator in Splynx with a specific partner, e.g. Main, that administrator cannot view the created ticket. Only an administrator with the Partner parameter set to Any or with the role of Super administrator can view such ticket. In addition, such a new ticket cannot be assigned to an administrator with the specified Partner parameter.

The Recipients table can be modified to display the necessary fields with view_icon3.png icon at the bottom of the table or the date can exported in a format of choice with the export view_icon2.png icon.