ACS services and server configuration

Enable ACS services

To enable ACS in Splynx, navigate to Config → Integrations → Main modules:

main modules

Enable a toggle for TR-069 (ACS) under Networking :


Once TR-069 (ACS) is enabled, you will see a new item under Networkingsection at your left:


ACS server configuration

Let's start configuring the ACS server:

Step 1

Navigate to Config → Networking → TR-069 (ACS), and click on install ACS server:


Once the server was installed, specify its global parameters:

global config

Here we have the next options:

  • Enable ACS services - enable/disable ACS services such as genieacs-cwmp, genieacs-nbi, genieacs-fs. Can be used to reboot the ACS server;

  • CWMP port - port for CWMP service;

  • CWMP SSL port - port for CWMP service with SSL connection;

  • Allow list (networks) - list of allowed networks for connecting to CWMP service. To allow all host, use all value;

  • Username - using for authorization to connect to CWMP service.

    Important ATTENTION!: authorization is possible only if username and password fields are not empty.

  • Password - using for authorization to connect to CWMP service.

Important ATTENTION!: authorization is possible only if username and password fields are not empty.

  • Hostname - hostname without protocol and port ( or depending on your configuration);

  • Periodic inform inverval (seconds) - interval on how often Splynx will sync with the ACS.

Click on Save button when configuration is completed.

Step 2

On the same menu, Config → Networking → TR-069 (ACS), let's configure ACS User Interface (UI) parameters:


  • Enable ACS UI - enable/disable an access via web interface;

  • Allow list (networks) - specify allowed networks from which you can access to the ACS UI. To allow all hosts, please add the all value;

  • UI username - username for UI access.

Important ATTENTION!: authorization is possible only if username and password fields are not empty.

  • UI password - password for UI access.

Important ATTENTION!: authorization is possible only if username and password fields are not empty.

Click on Save button when configuration is completed.

Step 3

Click on a link for UI here:

UI link

You should be redirected to the Genie ACS page. If you prompted for login/password, use the credentials from a step 2.

After successful login, you will see a window as in the screenshot below, you should click on ABRACADABRA button.

Important IMPORTANT: All check-boxes should be selected except Presets and Provisions.


The default username and password for GenieACS are: admin / admin

Once this done, you will see GenieACS dashboard:
