
A quote is a document provided to a lead to inform them of the cost of a service/s before they decide to purchase it.

To view a list of all quotes, simply click on the Quotes menu in the sidebar under the Leads module. Here we can see details for each quote and the operations column with multiple actions to execute to each quote - view, view PDF, download PDF, send, edit or delete.

Quotes Main View

Quotes per lead can be accessed by navigating to the Quotes tab on the leads page. Here we can see a list of all quotes generated for the selected lead, displaying a summary of the total value of the quotes and a filter section at the bottom of the page, used to display quotes of a specified status.


To add a quote we should click on the Add quote button in the top right-hand corner of the quotes tab under a selected lead's page.

When adding a quote we are presented with the pop-up window below:


Here we can edit the following fields:

  • Status - New, Sent, On review, Accepted or Denied;
  • Document date - creation of the quote;
  • Number - number for referencing quotes (pattern/format can be changed under Config → Leads → Finance);
  • Valid until - period of the quote's validity calculate from the day of creation to the valid till date. Default is set to 10 days (can be changed under Config → Leads → Finance);
  • Set deal value - value is calculated only for internet, voice, recurring, bundle tariff plans and depends on the total of quote;
  • Note - note directed to the lead;
  • Memo - personal note for the administrator.

Clicking on the icon ... we can select a service to add to the quote. It is possible to add multiple services by pressing the + icon. Services can conveniently be re-ordered on the quote by dragging and dropping the services to the selected position of priority. You can also select the appropriate VAT percentage from the drop-down list in the VAT field.

Once we have created a quote, we can navigate to the Actions column on the table of quotes. Where multiple actions can be performed - View, View PDF, Download PDF, Send, Edit or Delete.

When sending quotes to leads, you can use templates to format the content the way you want the quote to appear.

Information on editing or creating Quote template can found here.