In this section, the CAP settings for different types of billing can be configured.


cap cap cap

At the right top corner of the page you can select the Billing type and Partner to apply the changes to.

Admin top-up:

  • Check balance - enables/disables checking of customer's account balance before top-up;
  • Rollover expiration - amount of months to rollover data (e.g. a tariff plan is configured to rollover unused data to next month. This option will configure validity of this data);
  • Auto top-up - enables/disables auto top-up;
  • Transfer usage to new service - enables/disables transferring of data to the new service in case of service plan change;
  • Use top-up first - enables/disables using of top-up data first (if customer is using normal data amount and then, made a top-up, top-up data will be used first and then normal CAP configured under internet plan).

Auto top-up:

  • Issue invoice with auto Top-up - enables/disables issuing invoices after auto top-up.

Top-up limitations:

  • Limitation type - select the type of top-ups to apply limits to;
  • Max number of top-ups per month - specify the maximum amount of top-ups allowed per month for service (not for customer).

Top-Ups description templates:

The descriptions in Top-Up transactions and invoices can be customized here. This is useful when a customer has several Top-up plans withing the same tariff plan and these Top-ups are applied by the customer, administrator or system, making it unclear for which service the top-up was added.

Available parameters:

  • {{size}} - top-up traffic amount;
  • {{service}} - target service. All properties of service also available;
  • {{customer}} - related customer. All properties of customer also available.

By default, the following values are used:

  • Auto Top-Up description - Auto Top-Up {{size}} for {{service.description}};
  • Admin Top-Up description - Top-Up charge {{size}} for {{service.description}};
  • Portal Top-Up description - Portal Top-Up {{size}} for {{service.description}}.
